Understanding long term care
An introduction to long term care
Watch our helpful video, made in partnership with Money Alive, that explains a number of things that you need to know about when it comes to long term care, including the financial implications.
What's in the video?
This video has 6 chapters:
Chapter 1: An introduction to long term care
A summary of the five steps you need to take to better understand the care system.
Chapter 2: Will the NHS pay for my care?
Find out about eligibility for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS Nursing Care.
Chapter 3: Getting a care needs assessment
How to get a care needs assessment, things you need to consider and the role of the local authority.
Chapter 4: Getting a financial assessment for care
How to get a financial assessment and how do your income and assets affect your eligibility for funding.
Chapter 5: Deliberate deprivation of assets
How getting rid of your assets won’t necessarily help you secure funding for care.
Chapter 6: Getting a carers assessment
How to get a carers assessment and how can the local authority help you in your caring role.
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