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Image by Matthew Bennett


Final salary schemes, the options

Do you stay or transfer?

Watch our helpful video, made in partnership with Money Alive, that provides a summary of the options available to members of final salary schemes who have preserved pensions and wish to review their benefits.

What's in the video?

This video has 17 chapters:


Chapter 1: Stay or transfer?

The options available to members of final salary schemes who have preserved pensions and wish to review their benefits.


Chapter 2: Guide to staying in the scheme

How your final salary scheme works, the pension benefits it will provide you and their advantages and disadvantages.


Chapter 3: Is my preserved pension frozen?

What happens to your pension whilst you are a deferred member of the final salary pension scheme.


Chapter 4: What happens when I retire?

The options available to you when you retire and how the guaranteed pension income you receive will increase.


Chapter 5: How will my pension be taxed?

The options available to you when you retire and how the guaranteed pension income you receive will increase.


Chapter 6: What will happen on my death?

Find out what benefits would be offered to your family on your death.


Chapter 7: Are there any risks?

What would happen if both your final salary pension scheme and the employer were in severe financial difficulty.


Chapter 8: Case study - staying in

An example of someone who might benefit from staying in their final salary scheme and keeping their benefits.


Chapter 9: Transferring to a private pension

A summary of what would happen if you decided to transfer to a private pension pot and their advantages and disadvantages.


Chapter 10: Do I need advice?

Why you will need to take professional advice if you wish to formally review your preserved pension and who can help.


Chapter 11: Is a transfer financially viable?

Find out what is meant by 'Critical Yield' and 'Transfer Value Comparator' and why they are important in a review of your pension.


Chapter 12: What would happen when I retire?

Find out more about the options available to you when you decide to take your benefits from a private pension pot.


Chapter 13: What are the risks if I transfer?

The risks you will expose yourself to when transferring your preserved pension to a private pension pot.


Chapter 14: How do I avoid scams?

How scams pose a serious threat to your pension savings and the steps you can take to protect yourself.


Chapter 15: How would my pension be taxed?

How your new pension benefits would be assessed for tax whenever you decide to take them.


Chapter 16: What happens on my death?

What happens to a private pension pot, the options available to your beneficiaries and how these benefits are taxed.


Chapter 17: Case study - transferring out

An example of someone who might benefit from transferring their final salary pension to a private pension pot.


To view the guide, simply click the button below to register and view.

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