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Our diversity and inclusion policy


Financial Framework Wealth & Estate Planning is committed to the principles of diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion, and recognises the importance of adhering to these principles at all times. All that we do will reflect our approach to equality, diversity and inclusion in practice.


Diversity, equality and inclusion together form a positive approach to recognise that everyone is different and can make and bring their own unique contribution, experience, knowledge and skills to the organisation. Financial Framework Wealth & Estate Planning promotes dignity and respect for all, and an environment where individual differences and the contributions of all employees are recognised and valued.


Financial Framework Wealth & Estate Planning will not unlawfully discriminate against any individuals including those with protected characteristics such as age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race (including colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origin), religion or belief, sex (gender) and sexual orientation in line with the Equality Act 2010.


This policy is written in accordance with all legal requirements, ACAS guidance and best practice.





We recognise that both the people who work for us – or who we may want to recruit to do so – and those who use our services are individuals with different needs which may impact on their ability to access many services in our community including our own services. In the case of service users this means that we may, therefore, set up and deliver projects that will work expressly with specific groups in order to increase their chances of accessing the services we provide.


We will, however, also work hard to ensure that all individuals who fit the criteria for employment or access to our services truly have the opportunity to access and benefit from what Financial Framework Wealth & Estate Planning can offer, and this policy sets out how we aim to do this.




Why this policy exists

The Equalities Act 2010 sets out the legislation around equality, including what is required of employers in the UK. The aim of this policy is to ensure that Financial Framework Wealth & Estate Planning operates in line with this legislation and that no service user, job applicant, employee, secondee or volunteer is unfairly or unlawfully discriminated against in their dealings with Financial Framework Wealth & Estate Planning.





This policy applies to all areas of Financial Framework Wealth & Estate Planning’s work and to all staff, by which term we mean all employees, volunteers seconded staff, agency staff, interns, students on work placement and anyone who is subcontracted to undertake specific duties. Wherever this policy refers to staff or employees it includes everyone mentioned here unless specifically stated otherwise.


The principles set out in this policy will also be reflected in all contracts and project plans. We will expect anyone we sub-contract or with whom we work in partnership to work in line with this policy or to demonstrate that they have their own appropriate equality policy and practices in place.


It is a condition of employment that all employees respect and act in accordance with this policy. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary procedures being instigated which could lead to dismissal.


All employees will be required to read this policy on joining the organisation.




Roles and Responsibilities

All staff are responsible for familiarising themselves and acting in accordance with this policy. Employees should inform their manager if they know or suspect that discrimination or harassment is occurring.


Managers will ensure that this policy is communicated to all staff and will provide advice and guidance to staff regarding their conduct along with sources of available support. Managers are required to exercise leadership in this field by encouraging inclusion, discouraging prejudice and modelling appropriate behaviour. They must also take speedy and appropriate action to deal with any breaches of the policy, or behaviour that could lead to a breach of the policy. Any identified breaches of the policy should be dealt with using the Disciplinary, Grievance or Dignity at Work policies.


Managers are responsible for applying employment practices, policies and procedures fairly and consistently, and for highlighting and addressing any practices which could lead to discrimination.




Zero tolerance

Although treating anyone differently because they have one or more of the protected characteristics is illegal, the Act only specifies two types of discrimination that apply to all of the protected characteristics: direct discrimination and victimisation.


Financial Framework Wealth & Estate Planning has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of discrimination on the grounds of any of the protected characteristics, whether or not the Act applies the specific form of discrimination to a specific characteristic.





This policy will be reviewed periodically – and in any case every two years – by the management team. It will, in any case, be reviewed any time it is invoked and use suggests that changes or clarifications are needed.





This policy will be available to all new staff, volunteers, secondees and students on placement. During induction the policy will be signed off as having been read and understood. The policy will be made available to current and prospective partners, suppliers, and others on request.





Financial Framework Wealth & Estate Planning is committed to achieving an inclusive and diverse workforce and to providing equal opportunity and access for all. In applying this policy we seek to create a working environment free of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination, promoting dignity and respect for all, and where individual differences and the contributions of all staff are recognised and valued.


The organisation’s employment practices, policies and procedures seek to ensure that no employee or potential employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, religion or belief, age, trade union membership, disability, offending background, domestic circumstances, social and employment status, HIV status, gender reassignment, political affiliation2 or any other personal characteristic.


Financial Framework Wealth & Estate Planning seeks to actively promote best practice in diversity and inclusion across the organisation in areas such as pay and benefits, terms and conditions of employment, dealing with grievances and disciplinary issues, dismissal, redundancy, leave for parents, requests for flexible working and selection for employment, promotion, training or other developmental opportunities.


Both employer and employee can be held liable for acts of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination in the course of their employment, against fellow employees, customers, suppliers and the public.




Terms and Conditions of Employment

We will not apply unjustifiable requirements in our terms of employment or working practices. Care will be taken to ensure that Financial Framework Wealth & Estate Planning’s policies and procedures do not include elements which will or could unfairly or adversely impact on individuals or certain groups of staff or service users.




Promotion, training and development

Selection for promotion will only be based on ability or demonstrated potential to do the job. All employees will be encouraged to take advantage of available, relevant and suitable training and development opportunities.


Online courses will be available and internal courses will be developed to meet specific training needs in relation to diversity and inclusion, and appropriate training events will be provided for all employees involved in selection for recruitment or delivering training.

The responsibilities of the employer and employee for diversity, inclusion and equality will be positively incorporated into employee training at all levels from induction courses to Senior Management workshops.




Working environment

All efforts will be made to make adjustments wherever reasonably practicable for disabled staff, applicants for posts or any staff member making a reasonable request. Financial Framework Wealth & Estate Planning aims to have a working environment and culture where everyone feels comfortable and treated with dignity and respect.




Challenging policy, practice and individuals

Financial Framework Wealth & Estate Planning is committed to respectful forms of challenge and healthy conflict resolution. We actively encourage staff to challenge each other when they are feeling uncomfortable and expect them to do so if they notice that this policy is being breached. We will provide information so that staff can access appropriate support to deal with equality, diversity and inclusion issues which they cannot resolve themselves.




Our services

Financial Framework Wealth & Estate Planning is committed to equality of opportunity within the criteria for our services. Should services specifically exclude specific groups of people, we will clearly set out the reasons why this is so.




Access to services

We will, wherever possible, make reasonable adjustments to how we deliver services according to individual circumstances. We aim to ensure that no individual or group applying to use our services will be treated less favourably than any other person or group of persons for any reason that cannot be justified.




Our partners

We will only seek to work with partners who share our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.





We will ensure that individual employees who believe they have received treatment contrary to the principles of this policy can have their grievances dealt with quickly and confidentially.

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